In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the concept of being “vessels of mercy” as described in Romans 9:23-24. He emphasizes the importance of self-examination to determine whether we are truly among those whom God has prepared for glory. Through vivid imagery of the potter and the clay, Spurgeon encourages listeners to recognize their need for God’s grace and to embrace their identity as vessels designed for His purpose.

Discussion Questions

  1. Self-Examination: Reflect on your own life. What evidence do you see that indicates you are a vessel of mercy? How can you further cultivate this identity?
  2. Understanding Grace: Spurgeon emphasizes that being a vessel of mercy is not based on our merit but on God’s grace. How does this understanding change your perspective on your worth and your relationship with God?
  3. The Role of the Potter: In what ways do you see God actively shaping your life? Can you identify specific circumstances or challenges that have contributed to your growth as a vessel of mercy?
  4. Receiving vs. Giving: Spurgeon states that we are called to be receivers of God’s grace rather than givers. How can you practice being a receiver in your daily life? What does it mean to you to “open wide thine empty mouth” to receive from God?
  5. The Marks of Calling: Spurgeon mentions the importance of being called by God. Have you experienced a moment of divine calling in your life? How did it impact your faith journey?
  6. Hope in Suffering: How can the imagery of the potter and the clay provide comfort during difficult times? In what ways can you find hope in the process of being shaped by God?
  7. Community and Prayer: Spurgeon calls for earnest prayer for the salvation of others. How can you engage your community in prayer for those who may not yet recognize their need for God’s mercy?


Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my need for Your grace. I thank You for the work You are doing in my life as the Great Potter. Help me to recognize the areas where I need to be reshaped and molded according to Your will. May I be a vessel of mercy, open to receiving Your love and grace. I pray for those around me who have yet to experience Your calling. Stir their hearts and draw them to You. Fill me with gratitude for the mercy I have received, and empower me to share that mercy with others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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