# Study Guide for “A Home Question” Sermon by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon

## Introduction
In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon challenges listeners to reflect on their own sins rather than focusing on the faults of others. He emphasizes the importance of self-examination and repentance, urging individuals, communities, and nations to recognize their shortcomings before God. Spurgeon reminds us that no one is exempt from sin and that true transformation begins at home.

## Discussion Questions
1. **Self-Reflection**: What are some specific sins or shortcomings in your life that you may have overlooked while focusing on the faults of others? How can acknowledging these help you grow spiritually?

2. **Community Accountability**: In what ways can we as a community hold each other accountable for our actions without falling into the trap of judgmentalism?

3. **Cultural Critique**: Spurgeon discusses the tendency to criticize other nations and groups. How can we balance our critique of societal issues with a commitment to address our own shortcomings?

4. **Personal Responsibility**: How does the idea that “every man is guilty” resonate with you? In what ways can this understanding lead to a more compassionate view of others?

5. **Faith and Morality**: Spurgeon argues that morality alone is insufficient for salvation. How can we ensure that our faith is not merely about moral behavior but is rooted in a relationship with Christ?

6. **Eternity Perspective**: Reflect on the concept of eternity as presented in the sermon. How does this perspective influence your daily decisions and priorities?

7. **Seeking Forgiveness**: What steps can you take this week to seek forgiveness for your sins and to cultivate a deeper relationship with God?

## Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart, recognizing my own sins and shortcomings. Help me to see where I have fallen short and to seek Your forgiveness. May I not be quick to judge others but instead focus on my own need for grace and transformation. Guide me in my journey of repentance and renewal, and fill me with Your Spirit so that I may reflect Your love and goodness in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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