In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the theme of grace reigning through righteousness unto eternal life is explored through vivid imagery and profound truths. Spurgeon contrasts the tyrannical reign of sin, which leads to death, with the liberating and transformative reign of grace, which brings life and hope through Jesus Christ. The sermon invites listeners to reflect on the overwhelming goodness of God’s grace and its ability to redeem, restore, and empower believers in their journey of faith.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Grace: How do you personally define grace, and how does this definition align with Spurgeon’s portrayal of grace as a reigning power in our lives?
  2. The Tyranny of Sin: Reflect on the ways sin has reigned in your life. What are some specific areas where you have felt its oppressive power, and how has grace intervened?
  3. Experiencing Transformation: Spurgeon describes the transformation that occurs when grace reigns in a person’s life. Can you share a personal testimony of a time when you experienced a significant change due to God’s grace?
  4. Grace in Trials: Spurgeon illustrates grace reigning in the midst of trials and afflictions. How can you apply the message of grace to your current struggles or challenges?
  5. The Role of Faith: How does faith play a role in experiencing the reign of grace? In what ways can you strengthen your faith to better embrace God’s grace in your life?
  6. Grace and Community: How can we as a community of believers support one another in recognizing and experiencing the reign of grace? What practical steps can we take to encourage each other?
  7. Looking Forward: Spurgeon speaks of grace reigning even in the hour of death. How does the assurance of grace impact your perspective on death and eternal life?


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of Your grace that reigns in our lives through Jesus Christ. Help us to fully understand and embrace this grace, transforming us from the inside out. May we recognize the areas where sin has held us captive and invite Your grace to bring healing and freedom. Strengthen our faith as we navigate trials and empower us to support one another in our journey. As we look forward to eternal life, fill us with hope and assurance in Your promises. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

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