Study Guide for “Words of Expostulation”


In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon addresses the tendency of believers to stray from their faith and seek fulfillment in worldly pleasures and sins, much like the Israelites who turned to Egypt and Assyria for sustenance. He challenges Christians to reflect on their relationship with sin, the allure of worldly distractions, and the importance of trusting in God alone. Spurgeon emphasizes the need for self-examination and repentance, urging believers to return to the living water of Christ rather than the muddy waters of sin.

Discussion Questions

  1. Reflect on Your Journey: In what ways have you experienced a desire to return to old habits or sins after coming to faith? How can you identify these temptations in your life today?

  2. Understanding Sin: Spurgeon describes sin as a “muddy river.” What does this metaphor mean to you? How does it help you understand the nature of sin and its consequences?

  3. The Nature of True Satisfaction: Spurgeon argues that true satisfaction comes from Christ, not from worldly pleasures. What are some ways you can seek fulfillment in your relationship with God rather than in temporary pleasures?

  4. The Cost of Backsliding: How does the idea of “crucifying Christ afresh” resonate with you? In what ways can you guard against actions that may lead to spiritual backsliding?

  5. Trusting in God: Spurgeon challenges believers to trust in God for both spiritual and temporal needs. What are some practical steps you can take to strengthen your trust in God during difficult times?

  6. Responding to Conviction: If you feel a sense of conviction about your current spiritual state, how can you respond to that feeling in a constructive way? What steps can you take to return to a closer walk with God?

  7. Engaging with the World: How can you balance living in the world while not being of the world? What boundaries do you need to set to protect your spiritual health?


Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart, recognizing my tendency to stray from Your path. Help me to see the muddy waters of sin for what they are and to turn away from them. Grant me the strength to seek true satisfaction in You alone and to trust in Your goodness and provision. May Your Holy Spirit guide me in self-examination and lead me back to a closer relationship with You. I ask for Your forgiveness for the times I have wandered and for the grace to walk in Your ways. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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