In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon emphasizes the profound impact of prayer in the life of a believer. He explores the essential qualities of effective prayer, including having definite objects, earnest desires, unwavering faith, and a realizing expectation. Spurgeon encourages Christians to view prayer not merely as a duty but as a vital and powerful means of communion with God, capable of bringing about miraculous change in their lives and the world around them.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Prayer: How do you currently view prayer in your life? Is it a duty, a delight, or something else? Reflect on how this perspective affects your prayer life.
  2. Definite Objects: Spurgeon mentions the importance of having specific requests when praying. What are some specific things you desire to bring before God in prayer? How can you prepare your heart to focus on these requests?
  3. Earnest Desire: What does it mean to you to pray with earnest desire? Can you recall a time when you prayed fervently for something? What was the outcome, and how did it affect your faith?
  4. Faith in Prayer: Spurgeon asserts that faith is essential for effective prayer. How can you strengthen your faith in God’s willingness and ability to answer your prayers? What scriptures or promises can you meditate on to bolster this faith?
  5. Realizing Expectation: How can you cultivate a sense of expectation in your prayers? What practical steps can you take to believe that God is already at work in response to your requests?
  6. Personal Reflection: In what areas of your life do you feel you have neglected prayer? How can you commit to making prayer a more integral part of your daily routine?
  7. Praying for Others: Spurgeon encourages praying for specific individuals rather than general groups. Who in your life can you commit to praying for regularly? How can you be more specific in your prayers for them?


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of prayer and the power it holds. Help me to approach You with a heart full of faith, earnest desire, and specific requests. Teach me to see prayer not as a duty but as a delightful opportunity to commune with You. May I grow in my understanding of Your promises and trust in Your goodness. As I bring my needs and the needs of others before You, grant me the assurance that You hear me and are at work in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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