Study Guide for “The Christ of Patmos” Sermon


In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the profound vision of Christ as depicted in Revelation 1:12-17. He emphasizes the importance of understanding who Christ is today, highlighting His eternal nature, His roles as King and Priest, and His intimate relationship with the Church. Spurgeon encourages believers to seek a deeper knowledge of Christ, moving beyond mere acknowledgment of His offices to a personal communion with Him.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Christ’s Nature: How does the vision of Christ in Revelation challenge or deepen your understanding of who Jesus is today? What aspects of His character resonate most with you?

  2. Personal Experience: Reflect on your own journey of faith. In what ways have you experienced Christ as a teacher, friend, or Savior? How has your understanding of Him evolved over time?

  3. The Role of the Church: Spurgeon mentions that Christ is in the midst of the churches. What does it mean for you to know that Christ is present in your local church community? How does this influence your participation in church life?

  4. Trials and Suffering: The sermon discusses the idea that Christ’s feet are like burning brass, symbolizing trials. How do you respond to suffering in your life? In what ways can you see Christ’s presence in your struggles?

  5. The Voice of Christ: Spurgeon describes Christ’s voice as the sound of many waters. How do you hear Christ’s voice in your life today? What practices help you discern His guidance amidst the noise of the world?

  6. Desire for Deeper Knowledge: Spurgeon encourages believers to desire a deeper knowledge of Christ. What steps can you take to cultivate a more intimate relationship with Him? How can prayer and scripture reading play a role in this?

  7. The Vision of Glory: How does the vision of Christ’s glory as described in the sermon inspire you to worship? In what ways can you express your reverence and adoration for Him in your daily life?


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the revelation of Your Son, Jesus Christ, as depicted in the vision of Patmos. Help me to see Him not just as a historical figure, but as my living Savior, King, and Friend. Open my eyes to understand His glory and majesty, and draw me into a deeper relationship with Him. May I find comfort in His presence during trials and seek to hear His voice amidst the chaos of life. Teach me to worship Him in spirit and truth, and to reflect His love and light in the world around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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