
In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the preacher urges us to confront the reality of death and its implications for our lives. He emphasizes that while society often avoids the topic of death, it is essential for our spiritual health to consider our mortality. By reflecting on death, we can gain wisdom, prioritize our lives, and prepare our hearts to meet God. Spurgeon encourages us to see death not just as an end, but as a transition to eternal life, urging both believers and non-believers to reflect on their relationship with Christ.

Discussion Questions

1. Reflection on Mortality: Why do you think society tends to avoid discussions about death? How can acknowledging our mortality lead to a more meaningful life?

2. Personal Impact: How has the death of a loved one affected your perspective on life and faith? What lessons have you learned from those experiences?

3. Understanding Sin and Death: Spurgeon states that “sin is the mother of death.” How does understanding the relationship between sin and death influence your view of sin in your own life?

4. Preparation for Death: What practical steps can you take to prepare yourself spiritually for the inevitability of death? How can you ensure that your relationship with Christ is strong?

5. The Hope of Eternal Life: For believers, death is described as a transition to glory. How does this hope shape your daily life and decisions?

6. Warnings from Death: Spurgeon mentions various warnings of death we encounter in life. What are some personal warnings you have experienced, and how have they prompted you to reflect on your spiritual state?

7. Living with Purpose: How can the awareness of death influence the way you live your life today? What changes might you consider making in light of this awareness?


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of life and the hope of eternal life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to confront the reality of death with wisdom and grace. May I not shy away from this truth, but rather let it guide my actions and decisions. Teach me to live each day with purpose, reflecting Your love and grace to those around me. As I consider my latter end, may I find comfort in Your promises and strength in my faith. Prepare my heart to meet You, and help me to share this hope with others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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