In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon reflects on the life of King David, emphasizing the paradox of being anointed yet feeling weak. He draws parallels between David’s struggles and the experiences of believers today, highlighting that even in our weakness, we are still called to reign as children of God. Spurgeon encourages us to recognize our dependence on God’s strength and the assurance of His promises, regardless of our circumstances.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Weakness: How does the concept of being an “anointed king” resonate with your understanding of your identity in Christ? In what ways do you experience weakness in your life?
  2. Faith and Doubt: Spurgeon mentions that believers can experience ebbs and flows in their faith. Have you experienced times of doubt or weakness in your faith? How did you navigate those moments?
  3. New Positions and Responsibilities: Reflect on a time when you faced new challenges or responsibilities in your life. How did you respond to feelings of inadequacy or weakness during that transition?
  4. The Role of Community: David struggled with the sons of Zeruiah, who were both his allies and adversaries. How do the people in your life (friends, family, church community) impact your spiritual journey? Are there times when they contribute to your struggles?
  5. God’s Promises: Spurgeon emphasizes that God’s promises remain true regardless of our circumstances. What specific promises from Scripture do you cling to during difficult times? How do these promises provide you with strength?
  6. Strength in Weakness: Spurgeon suggests that our weaknesses can lead to greater reliance on God. How can you intentionally shift your focus from your weaknesses to God’s strength in your daily life?
  7. Final Perseverance: The sermon discusses the assurance of salvation and perseverance in faith. How does this doctrine affect your understanding of your relationship with God? What comfort does it bring you?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth that even in our weakness, we are anointed and called Your children. Help us to recognize our dependence on You and to trust in Your strength when we feel inadequate. May we hold fast to Your promises and find comfort in the assurance of our salvation. Guide us as we navigate the challenges of life, and remind us that our identity is rooted in Christ. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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