Study Guide for “Good News for You”
In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate the nature of true benevolence and the available grace of Christ. He emphasizes that Christ meets sinners where they are, without requiring any moral or mental qualifications. Spurgeon reassures us that no matter how lost or unworthy we may feel, Christ’s mercy is freely offered to all who come to Him in faith.
Discussion Questions
Understanding Grace: How does the story of the Good Samaritan reflect the nature of Christ’s grace towards sinners? In what ways does this challenge your understanding of who is deserving of mercy?
Personal Reflection: Have you ever felt unworthy of God’s grace? How does the message of this sermon encourage you to approach Christ despite your feelings of inadequacy?
Available Benevolence: Spurgeon mentions that the Good Samaritan helped the wounded man without any conditions. How can we apply this principle of unconditional help in our own lives, especially towards those in need?
The Role of Faith: Spurgeon emphasizes that faith is a simple act of trust. What does it mean to you to have faith in Christ? How can you cultivate a deeper trust in Him?
Overcoming Doubts: What doubts or fears do you have about coming to Christ? How does the assurance of His promise to never cast you out help you address these concerns?
Sharing the Good News: How can you share the message of Christ’s available grace with others who may feel lost or unworthy? What practical steps can you take to reach out to those in need of encouragement?
God’s Character: Reflect on the attributes of God that Spurgeon mentions (mercy, love, justice). How do these attributes shape your understanding of His willingness to save even the most sinful?
Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my need for Your grace. Thank You for the assurance that You meet me where I am, without conditions or qualifications. Help me to trust in Your mercy and to believe that I am not beyond Your reach. Strengthen my faith and give me the courage to approach You, knowing that You will never cast me out. May I also be a vessel of Your love and grace to others, sharing the good news of Your salvation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.