Study Guide for “Christian Sympathy” Sermon by C. H. Spurgeon


In this powerful sermon, C. H. Spurgeon reflects on the importance of human sympathy, particularly in the context of suffering and poverty. Drawing from the story of Job, he emphasizes that true sympathy is not merely about giving material aid but involves a heartfelt connection to the struggles of others. Spurgeon calls Christians to embody the compassion of Christ, urging them to actively engage in alleviating the suffering of those around them.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Sympathy: How does Spurgeon define true sympathy, and how does it differ from mere charitable giving? Reflect on a time when you felt genuine sympathy for someone in need.

  2. Role of the Christian: In what ways does Spurgeon argue that sympathy is a Christian duty? How can we better embody this duty in our daily lives?

  3. Obstacles to Sympathy: What are some of the hindrances to showing sympathy that Spurgeon identifies? How can we overcome these obstacles in our own lives?

  4. The Example of Christ: How does the example of Jesus Christ serve as a model for our own expressions of sympathy? In what ways can we imitate His compassion?

  5. Personal Application: Reflect on your own life. Are there areas where you can show more sympathy and compassion? What specific actions can you take this week to help those in need?

  6. Community Impact: How can a community of believers work together to foster an environment of sympathy and support? What initiatives could your church undertake to better serve those who are suffering?

  7. Spiritual Growth: Spurgeon mentions that showing sympathy can lead to personal joy and growth. How have you experienced this in your own life? What steps can you take to cultivate a more sympathetic heart?


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who showed us what true compassion looks like. Help us to open our hearts to those who are suffering and in need. May we not only offer our resources but also our empathy and love. Teach us to see the world through the eyes of those who are hurting, and empower us to act with kindness and generosity. As we seek to follow Your example, may our hearts be filled with the joy that comes from serving others. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

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