Everywhere and Yet Forgotten

Everywhere and Yet Forgotten

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon reflects on the omnipresence of God and our tendency to forget His constant presence in our lives. Drawing from the book of Job, he emphasizes that God’s hand is at work in every aspect of creation and in our daily experiences, both in times of joy and in trials. Spurgeon encourages believers to recognize God’s sovereignty and to live in a way that acknowledges His presence in all things.

Constraining Love

Constraining Love

In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the central theme revolves around the call to love God, specifically focusing on the love of Jesus Christ. Spurgeon emphasizes the profound reasons why believers should love the Lord, highlighting the sacrificial love of Christ, the beauty of His character, and the joy that comes from loving Him. He encourages the saints to not only serve God out of obligation but to embrace a heartfelt love that transforms their lives and deepens their relationship with Him.

Effects of Sound Doctrine

Effects of Sound Doctrine

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the doctrine of election and its profound effects on the lives of believers. He emphasizes that the elect are a special people who cannot be deceived by false teachings, and he discusses how this doctrine influences our opinions, emotions, experiences, devotions, and actions. Spurgeon argues that understanding election leads to a deeper appreciation of God’s grace and a more vibrant Christian life.

Vile Ingratitude!

Vile Ingratitude!

In this powerful sermon, C.H. Spurgeon reflects on the profound ingratitude of believers towards God, emphasizing the grace and mercy that God has shown to us despite our sinful nature. Using the prophet Ezekiel’s words, Spurgeon urges us to consider our past, our current state, and the blessings we have received from God, all while recognizing the gravity of our sins. He calls us to a deeper understanding of our relationship with God and the importance of living in gratitude and holiness.

A Divine Challenge!

A Divine Challenge!

In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon draws parallels between the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt and the spiritual bondage of humanity to sin. He emphasizes God’s sovereign command to free His people, highlighting the distinction between those chosen by God and the world. Spurgeon reassures believers that God has the power to liberate them from their sins and that this freedom is not just partial but complete and eternal.

The Jeer of Sarcasm, and the Retort of Piety

The Jeer of Sarcasm, and the Retort of Piety

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon reflects on the biblical account of King David’s joyful worship before the Lord and the scorn he faced from his wife, Michal. Spurgeon explores the trials that arise from unexpected sources, particularly within our closest relationships, and emphasizes the importance of remaining steadfast in our devotion to God despite ridicule or misunderstanding. He encourages believers to embrace their identity as chosen by God and to respond to criticism with a commitment to serve Him even more fervently.



In this sermon, C.H. Spurgeon explores the profound lesson of contentment as taught by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:11. Spurgeon emphasizes that true contentment is not a natural trait but a learned discipline that requires faith and cultivation. He discusses the challenges of being content in both abundance and scarcity, urging believers to find their satisfaction in Christ regardless of their circumstances.

Special Thanksgiving to the Father

Special Thanksgiving to the Father

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon emphasizes the importance of giving thanks to God the Father, highlighting His role in our salvation and spiritual inheritance. He explores two significant blessings: our present meetness for the inheritance of the saints in light and our deliverance from the power of darkness. Spurgeon encourages believers to recognize the Father’s love and grace, which enable us to be partakers of eternal life and to live in the light of Christ.

High Doctrine

High Doctrine

In this powerful sermon, C.H. Spurgeon emphasizes the profound truth that “all things are of God,” as stated in 2 Corinthians 5:18. He explores the implications of this doctrine, asserting that salvation, grace, and every good thing in the life of a believer originate solely from God. Spurgeon encourages listeners to recognize their dependence on divine grace, highlighting the humbling and liberating nature of this truth.

Characteristics of Faith

Characteristics of Faith

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the nature of faith through the narrative of a nobleman whose son was healed by Jesus. He outlines three stages of faith: seeking, relying, and full assurance. Spurgeon emphasizes the importance of aligning our actions with our beliefs and encourages believers to cultivate a faith that is active, prayerful, and transformative. He also addresses common pitfalls that can hinder our faith journey and concludes with a call to trust in God’s promises for ourselves and our families.