Love to Jesus

Love to Jesus

In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the essence of a Christian’s love for Jesus is explored through the lens of humility, faith, and devotion. Spurgeon emphasizes that love is the fire that completes the sacrifice of faith, and he urges believers to cultivate a deep, personal, and unwavering love for Christ. He challenges the church to move beyond mere doctrine and to embrace a vibrant, living relationship with Jesus, who is the embodiment of love and sacrifice.

Sin Slain

Sin Slain

In this powerful sermon, C. H. Spurgeon explores the profound tyranny of sin over humanity, likening it to the oppression faced by the Israelites under King Jabin. He presents a vivid journey through the stages of recognizing sin, battling against it, and ultimately finding victory through Christ. Spurgeon emphasizes that true freedom comes not just from overcoming sinful habits but from the complete destruction of sin itself through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Struggles of Conscience

Struggles of Conscience

In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the preacher addresses the common struggle many face regarding their sense of sinfulness and the perceived need for deeper repentance before coming to Christ. Spurgeon emphasizes that the desire to feel one’s guilt is a sign of God’s work in the heart, and he encourages listeners to come to Christ just as they are, without waiting for the perfect feelings of contrition or righteousness. The message is a call to trust in Christ’s grace and mercy, regardless of one’s current state of feeling or sin.

A Single Eye and Simple Faith

A Single Eye and Simple Faith

In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the profound implications of having a “single eye” in our faith and obedience to Christ. Drawing from Matthew 6:22-23, he emphasizes that a clear and undivided focus on Jesus is essential for spiritual illumination and strength. Spurgeon warns against the dangers of a divided heart, urging believers to trust solely in Christ for salvation and to live out their faith with unwavering commitment.

Man’s Weakness and God’s Anointing

Man’s Weakness and God’s Anointing

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon reflects on the life of King David, emphasizing the paradox of being anointed yet feeling weak. He draws parallels between David’s struggles and the experiences of believers today, highlighting that even in our weakness, we are still called to reign as children of God. Spurgeon encourages us to recognize our dependence on God’s strength and the assurance of His promises, regardless of our circumstances.

The Ministry of Christ: A Call to Action and Faith

The Ministry of Christ: A Call to Action and Faith

In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon, the focus is on the ministry of Jesus Christ as He traveled through Galilee, teaching, preaching, and healing. Spurgeon emphasizes the authority and compassion of Christ, contrasting His miracles of mercy with the judgments of the Old Testament. The sermon is divided into three homilies: one for ministers, one for believers, and one for sinners, each calling for action, faith, and the recognition of Christ’s healing power.

Reigning Grace

Reigning Grace

In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the theme of grace reigning through righteousness unto eternal life is explored through vivid imagery and profound truths. Spurgeon contrasts the tyrannical reign of sin, which leads to death, with the liberating and transformative reign of grace, which brings life and hope through Jesus Christ. The sermon invites listeners to reflect on the overwhelming goodness of God’s grace and its ability to redeem, restore, and empower believers in their journey of faith.

Christ’s First and Last Subject

Christ’s First and Last Subject

In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon emphasizes the centrality of repentance in the ministry of Jesus Christ. He highlights that repentance was the first message Jesus preached and the last command He gave to His disciples. Spurgeon explores the origin, essentials, companions, and excellencies of true repentance, illustrating its vital role in the believer’s life and relationship with God.

True Prayer—True Power!

True Prayer—True Power!

In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon emphasizes the profound impact of prayer in the life of a believer. He explores the essential qualities of effective prayer, including having definite objects, earnest desires, unwavering faith, and a realizing expectation. Spurgeon encourages Christians to view prayer not merely as a duty but as a vital and powerful means of communion with God, capable of bringing about miraculous change in their lives and the world around them.

Vessels of Mercy: A Sermon of Self-Examination

Vessels of Mercy: A Sermon of Self-Examination

In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the concept of being “vessels of mercy” as described in Romans 9:23-24. He emphasizes the importance of self-examination to determine whether we are truly among those whom God has prepared for glory. Through vivid imagery of the potter and the clay, Spurgeon encourages listeners to recognize their need for God’s grace and to embrace their identity as vessels designed for His purpose.