In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the profound implications of having a “single eye” in our faith and obedience to Christ. Drawing from Matthew 6:22-23, he emphasizes that a clear and undivided focus on Jesus is essential for spiritual illumination and strength. Spurgeon warns against the dangers of a divided heart, urging believers to trust solely in Christ for salvation and to live out their faith with unwavering commitment.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding the Eye of Faith: How does Spurgeon describe the “eye of faith”? In what ways does your faith help you see beyond the physical world?
  2. Conscience and Understanding: Reflect on the connection between conscience, understanding, and the “eye” of the soul. How can a clear conscience impact your spiritual life?
  3. Singleness of Faith: Spurgeon warns against having a divided faith. What are some common distractions or dual trusts that can lead to a lack of singleness in our faith? How can we guard against these?
  4. Obedience as an Expression of Faith: How does Spurgeon link obedience to faith? In what ways can you demonstrate your faith through obedience in your daily life?
  5. The Role of Good Works: Discuss Spurgeon’s view on good works in relation to salvation. How can we ensure that our good deeds stem from our faith in Christ rather than as a means to earn salvation?
  6. Living for One Object: What does it mean to live for one object, as Spurgeon suggests? How can you practically apply this principle in your life to avoid being pulled in different directions?
  7. Personal Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on your own faith journey. Are there areas where you feel your faith is not single or where you struggle with divided loyalties? How can you bring these before God?


Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart, seeking clarity and focus in my faith. Help me to fix my eyes solely on Jesus, trusting in His finished work for my salvation. Remove any distractions or divided loyalties that may hinder my walk with You. Grant me the strength to obey Your commands and to live a life that glorifies You. May my faith be simple and unwavering, reflecting the light of Christ in all I do. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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