Study Guide for “A Blow at Self-Righteousness”


In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon addresses the pervasive issue of self-righteousness that has plagued humanity since the fall of Adam. He emphasizes that self-righteousness is a delusion that leads individuals to believe they can earn their way to heaven through their own merits. Spurgeon argues that true righteousness comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The sermon serves as a call to recognize our own sinfulness and to rely solely on Christ for salvation.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Self-Righteousness: How does Spurgeon define self-righteousness, and what are some common ways it manifests in our lives today?

  2. The Nature of Sin: Reflect on the statement, “There is none righteous, no, not one.” How does this truth challenge our perceptions of ourselves and others?

  3. The Role of Conscience: Spurgeon mentions that even the proudest person knows deep down that they are guilty. How can we cultivate a sensitivity to our conscience and recognize our need for grace?

  4. Comparative Righteousness: Why is it dangerous to compare ourselves to others when assessing our righteousness? How can this mindset lead us away from true repentance?

  5. Faith vs. Works: Spurgeon emphasizes that salvation is not based on our works but on faith in Christ. How can we ensure that our faith is genuinely placed in Christ rather than in our own efforts or feelings?

  6. The Consequences of Self-Righteousness: What are the spiritual dangers of clinging to self-righteousness, as outlined in the sermon? How can this understanding motivate us to seek Christ more earnestly?

  7. Application in Daily Life: In what practical ways can we remind ourselves of our need for Christ’s righteousness in our daily lives? How can we help others who may be struggling with self-righteousness?


Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my tendency to rely on my own righteousness rather than the perfect righteousness of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to see my sinfulness clearly and to understand that I can do nothing to earn my salvation. Teach me to trust fully in Christ’s atoning sacrifice and to rest in the grace that You freely offer. May I be a vessel of Your love and truth, sharing the message of salvation with others who are lost in self-righteousness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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