Study Guide for “Self-Sufficiency Slain” Sermon


In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon emphasizes the profound truth found in John 15:5: “Without me ye can do nothing.” He explores the implications of this statement for both believers and non-believers, highlighting the necessity of Christ in every aspect of life. Spurgeon argues that self-sufficiency is an illusion, and true strength and ability come only through reliance on Jesus Christ.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Dependence: What does it mean to you personally to be “without Christ”? How does this understanding affect your daily life and spiritual practices?

  2. Humility in Service: Spurgeon speaks about the importance of humility in recognizing our limitations. In what areas of your life do you struggle with pride or self-sufficiency? How can you cultivate a more humble attitude?

  3. The Role of the Holy Spirit: How does the Holy Spirit empower you to live out your faith? Can you recall a specific instance where you felt the Spirit’s guidance or strength in a challenging situation?

  4. Impact on Others: Reflect on Spurgeon’s assertion that believers can do nothing for the conversion of sinners without Christ. How does this perspective change the way you approach evangelism or sharing your faith with others?

  5. Recognizing Weakness: Spurgeon emphasizes that even small tasks require Christ’s strength. How can acknowledging your weaknesses lead to greater reliance on God in both minor and major aspects of your life?

  6. The Nature of True Conversion: What does Spurgeon mean when he states that a conversion without a sense of one’s total inability is a conversion that needs to be converted? How does this challenge common perceptions of what it means to be saved?

  7. Practical Application: In light of this sermon, what specific steps can you take this week to deepen your reliance on Christ in your personal life, relationships, or ministry?


Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my utter dependence on You. I confess that without Christ, I can do nothing of eternal value. Help me to embrace my weaknesses and to seek Your strength in every area of my life. Teach me to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and empowerment, and may I never forget that all glory belongs to You. As I interact with others, may I reflect Your love and grace, trusting that You are the one who transforms hearts. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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