Study Guide for “A Basket of Summer Fruit” Sermon


In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon reflects on the prophetic vision of Amos, who sees a basket of summer fruit, symbolizing the ripeness of God’s purposes and the impending judgment on Israel due to their sin. Spurgeon emphasizes the importance of recognizing the timing of God’s actions, both in the grand narrative of salvation and in our personal lives. He also warns of the dangers of national sin and the necessity of individual spiritual ripening, urging listeners to reflect on their own lives and relationship with God.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Ripeness: What does the concept of “ripeness” mean in the context of God’s purposes? How can we discern when God’s timing is at work in our lives?

  2. Personal Reflection: Reflect on a time when you felt God’s timing was perfect in your life. How did that experience shape your faith?

  3. National Sins: Spurgeon discusses national sins and their consequences. In what ways do you think our society today mirrors the warnings given in the sermon? How can we as individuals contribute to positive change?

  4. Spiritual Growth: How can trials and tribulations serve as a means of spiritual ripening in our lives? Can you share a personal experience where a challenge led to growth in your faith?

  5. The Role of the Church: What role does the church play in helping individuals and communities recognize their spiritual state? How can we encourage one another to ripen in holiness?

  6. Awareness of Sin: Spurgeon warns about the dangers of becoming “rotten-ripe” in sin. How can we remain vigilant against complacency in our spiritual lives?

  7. Prayer and Action: What practical steps can you take this week to deepen your relationship with God and ensure you are ripening in faith rather than in sin?


Heavenly Father,
We come before You with humble hearts, recognizing Your perfect timing in all things. Help us to understand the ripeness of Your purposes in our lives and in the world around us. May we be aware of our own spiritual state and strive to grow in holiness. Teach us to embrace trials as opportunities for growth and to seek Your guidance in all our actions. We pray for our nation, that we may turn from sin and seek Your grace. Transform our hearts, Lord, and help us to be vessels of Your love and truth. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

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