Study Guide for “Grace Reviving Israel”


In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the profound promise of God’s grace to Israel, as depicted in Hosea 14:5-7. He emphasizes that God’s grace is essential for spiritual growth and revival, likening it to the dew that nourishes plants. Spurgeon illustrates how divine grace operates imperceptibly yet powerfully, leading believers to grow in faith, humility, and fruitfulness. He encourages Christians to embrace their identity as God’s chosen people and to share the blessings of grace with others.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Grace: How does the metaphor of dew help you understand the nature of God’s grace in your life? In what ways have you experienced grace as an imperceptible yet powerful force?

  2. Personal Growth: Reflect on your spiritual journey. Can you identify moments when you felt you were “growing upward” in your faith? What practices or experiences contributed to that growth?

  3. Rootedness in Faith: Spurgeon mentions the importance of being rooted in humility. How can you cultivate a deeper sense of humility in your life while also growing in your faith?

  4. Public Profession: What does it mean to you to “spread your branches” and openly profess your faith? Are there areas in your life where you feel hesitant to share your Christian identity? Why?

  5. Impact on Others: How can you be a source of nourishment and revival for those around you? In what ways can you ensure that your life reflects the grace of God to others?

  6. The Scent of Christ: Spurgeon speaks of leaving a “scent” behind in our interactions. What kind of legacy do you want to leave in your relationships? How can you ensure that your conversations reflect the love and grace of Christ?

  7. Responding to the Call: If you feel a desire for a deeper relationship with Christ, what steps can you take to respond to that call? How can you encourage others to seek Christ as well?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your grace, which revives and sustains us. Help me to recognize the ways in which Your grace is at work in my life, even when it feels imperceptible. Teach me to grow in faith, humility, and love, so that I may reflect Your beauty to those around me. May my life be a source of nourishment and encouragement to others, and may I leave a sweet scent of Christ wherever I go. I ask for the courage to openly profess my faith and to share the hope I have in You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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