Study Guide: The High Priest Standing Between the Dead and the Living


In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon draws from the biblical account of Aaron’s intercession during a plague among the Israelites to illustrate the profound role of Jesus Christ as our High Priest. Just as Aaron stood between the living and the dead, offering incense to atone for the people’s sins, Christ stands as our ultimate intercessor, propitiator, and savior. Through His selfless love and sacrifice, He offers us salvation and protection from the wrath of God.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Intercession: How does Aaron’s act of running into the midst of the people reflect the nature of Christ’s intercession for us? In what ways does this encourage you to approach Christ in prayer?

  2. The Nature of Christ’s Love: Reflect on the idea of Christ as the “Lover of our souls.” How does understanding His love for us, despite our sins, change your perspective on your relationship with Him?

  3. The Role of Propitiation: What does it mean for Christ to be our propitiator? How does His sacrifice fulfill the requirements of God’s justice while also demonstrating His mercy?

  4. Personal Reflection on Salvation: Spurgeon emphasizes that salvation is not based on our merits but solely on Christ’s grace. How does this truth impact your understanding of your own salvation? Are there areas where you still feel the need to earn God’s favor?

  5. The Division Between Life and Death: Spurgeon speaks of Christ as the divider between the living and the dead. How do you see this division in your own life? What steps can you take to ensure you are on the side of life in Christ?

  6. The Urgency of Belief: The sermon highlights the immediacy of Aaron’s actions in response to the plague. How can we cultivate a sense of urgency in sharing the Gospel with others who may be facing spiritual death?

  7. Eternal Consequences: Reflect on the finality of Christ as the divider at the day of judgment. How does this motivate you to live a life that reflects your faith in Him?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our High Priest. Thank You for His willingness to stand in the gap for us, to bear our sins, and to offer us salvation. Help me to fully grasp the depth of His love and the significance of His sacrifice. May I live in the light of His grace, trusting in His finished work and sharing this good news with others. Lord, I ask for the courage to stand firm in my faith and to be a witness of Your mercy and love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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