In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, the preacher addresses the common struggle many face regarding their sense of sinfulness and the perceived need for deeper repentance before coming to Christ. Spurgeon emphasizes that the desire to feel one’s guilt is a sign of God’s work in the heart, and he encourages listeners to come to Christ just as they are, without waiting for the perfect feelings of contrition or righteousness. The message is a call to trust in Christ’s grace and mercy, regardless of one’s current state of feeling or sin.

Discussion Questions

  1. Understanding Sinfulness: How does the desire to feel one’s sinfulness reflect a work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life? Can you share a personal experience where you felt this desire?
  2. Self-Righteousness: In what ways do we, as modern believers, struggle with self-righteousness similar to those in Spurgeon’s time? How can we guard against this mindset?
  3. Coming to Christ: Spurgeon emphasizes coming to Christ “just as you are.” What does this mean for you personally? Are there areas in your life where you feel you need to “prepare” before approaching God?
  4. The Role of Feelings: How can feelings of guilt or inadequacy hinder our relationship with Christ? What does Spurgeon suggest we do with these feelings?
  5. Discerning the Spirit’s Work: Spurgeon warns against confusing the work of the Holy Spirit with the lies of the devil. How can we discern between the two in our own lives?
  6. The Nature of Repentance: What does true repentance look like according to Spurgeon? How can we cultivate a heart that genuinely seeks to repent without falling into despair?
  7. Trusting in Christ: Reflect on the statement, “Look unto me, and be ye saved.” How can we practically apply this in our daily lives, especially when we feel unworthy or distant from God?


Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my struggles and my feelings of inadequacy. Help me to understand that I do not need to feel perfect or righteous to come to You. Teach me to trust in Your grace and mercy, just as I am. Open my eyes to see my sinfulness, not as a barrier, but as a reason to run to Christ for forgiveness and healing. May Your Spirit guide me to discern Your voice from the lies of the enemy, and may I always remember that my worthiness comes from Christ alone. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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