In this powerful sermon delivered by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon, the focus is on the ministry of Jesus Christ as He traveled through Galilee, teaching, preaching, and healing. Spurgeon emphasizes the authority and compassion of Christ, contrasting His miracles of mercy with the judgments of the Old Testament. The sermon is divided into three homilies: one for ministers, one for believers, and one for sinners, each calling for action, faith, and the recognition of Christ’s healing power.

Discussion Questions

  1. Authority of Christ: How does the authority with which Jesus taught and performed miracles challenge our understanding of His role in our lives today? In what ways can we recognize His authority in our daily decisions?
  2. Ministers and Their Mission: Spurgeon encourages ministers to be more active in their preaching. How can this principle apply to all believers in sharing the gospel? What practical steps can you take to share your faith more actively?
  3. Bringing Others to Christ: Reflect on the idea that we should bring others to Jesus, as illustrated in the sermon. Who in your life can you bring to Christ through prayer and action? How can you be a source of encouragement for them?
  4. Faith for Others: Spurgeon speaks of the power of vicarious faith. How can you exercise faith on behalf of someone else? Share a time when you prayed for someone and saw God work in their life.
  5. Encouragement for the Unsaved: The sermon offers hope to those who feel they are beyond redemption. How can we communicate this message of hope to those who feel hopeless? What scriptures or personal testimonies can you share to encourage them?
  6. The Nature of Christ’s Healing: Spurgeon emphasizes that Jesus can heal all sorts of diseases and sins. How does this understanding of Christ’s healing power affect your view of your own struggles or the struggles of others?
  7. The Call to Action: Spurgeon urges believers to take action in their faith. What specific actions can you commit to this week that align with the message of this sermon? How can you hold yourself accountable?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the ministry of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who came to heal and save. Help me to recognize His authority in my life and to share His love with others. Give me the courage to bring those around me to You through prayer and action. May I be a vessel of Your grace, reflecting the mercy and compassion that Christ demonstrated. Strengthen my faith, not only for myself but for those who are struggling and in need of Your healing touch. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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