# Study Guide for “Mr. Evil Questioning Tried and Executed”
## Introduction
In this powerful sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon addresses the destructive forces of Proud Self and Evil Questioning, which he identifies as two of Satan’s greatest allies in leading souls away from God. Using the story of Naaman, who questioned the efficacy of God’s command to wash in the Jordan River, Spurgeon emphasizes the importance of obedience over questioning. He urges listeners to recognize and reject the insidious nature of Evil Questioning, which seeks to undermine faith and lead individuals into despair and disobedience.
## Discussion Questions
1. **Identifying Evil Questioning**: Reflect on your own life. Can you identify moments when you have allowed Evil Questioning to influence your decisions or beliefs? What were the specific questions or doubts that arose?
2. **The Nature of Obedience**: Spurgeon emphasizes that Naaman’s task was to obey rather than question. How can we cultivate a spirit of obedience in our own lives, especially when we face commands from God that seem difficult or illogical?
3. **Proud Self vs. Humble Faith**: Discuss the relationship between Proud Self and Evil Questioning. How does pride in our own understanding or abilities lead us to question God’s commands?
4. **The Role of Faith**: Spurgeon encourages believers to trust in God’s promises without doubt. What are some practical ways we can strengthen our faith in God’s promises, especially during challenging times?
5. **Consequences of Questioning**: Spurgeon warns that Evil Questioning can lead to spiritual ruin. Have you seen examples in your life or in the lives of others where questioning faith has led to negative outcomes? How can we guard against this?
6. **The Power of the Cross**: The sermon concludes with a call to look to Christ for salvation. How does focusing on the cross help us combat the doubts and questions that arise in our hearts?
7. **Personal Application**: What steps can you take this week to actively reject Evil Questioning in your life? Consider practical actions, prayers, or accountability measures you can implement.
## Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging the times I have allowed doubt and questioning to cloud my faith. Help me to recognize the voice of Evil Questioning and to reject it firmly. Grant me the strength to obey Your commands without hesitation and to trust in Your promises wholeheartedly. May I always look to the cross of Christ for my salvation and assurance. Fill me with Your Spirit, that I may walk in faith and not by sight. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.