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This sermon by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the doctrine of election, which is often misunderstood and disregarded. Spurgeon argues that election is a biblical truth that should not be ignored…
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Heaven and Hell

In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the concepts of heaven and hell. He begins by describing the promise of heaven, where believers will sit with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and experience rest and fellowship. However, he also warns of the fate of those who reject Christ and are cast into outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Storming the Battlements

In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the concept of building battlements that are not of the Lord, and how God may allow these battlements to be taken away. He applies this concept to the church, individual Christians, young converts, and the ungodly. The sermon challenges readers to examine their own lives and consider what battlements they may be relying on that are not of the Lord.

Law and Grace

In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the relationship between the law and the gospel. He emphasizes that the law and the gospel are distinct, and that the law serves to reveal sin and the need for grace. The sermon highlights the abounding grace of God, which surpasses the abundance of sin.

“What are the Clouds?”

This sermon by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the significance of clouds in nature and how they relate to God’s power and presence. Spurgeon emphasizes that God’s ways are often hidden and mysterious, and that even the most terrifying things in nature are insignificant compared to God’s greatness. The study guide will delve deeper into the message of the sermon and encourage readers to reflect on Christ and apply the sermon to their own lives.

God’s People in the Furnace

This sermon by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the idea that God’s chosen people are often found in the furnace of affliction. The sermon emphasizes that not all who experience affliction are chosen by God, but those who are chosen can find comfort and purpose in their suffering. The study guide will delve deeper into the message of the sermon and encourage readers to reflect on Christ’s goodness and apply the sermon to their own lives.

Preach the Gospel

In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the necessity and calling to preach the gospel. He emphasizes the importance of preaching the whole gospel, exalting Jesus Christ, and addressing the needs of all people. He also highlights the dangers of pride and the constant dependence on the Holy Spirit in preaching. The study guide will delve deeper into the message of the sermon and encourage reflection and application in the reader’s own life.